Rumble on the River #4 - Community Forum on The Critical Energy Infrastructure Hub & Zenith Energy | January 17th 6pm
Rumble on the River #4 A coalition of 22 neighborhood, river and climate advocacy organizations sponsor this series of free forums to increase public awareness of the safety, health and seismic risks associated with the Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) Hub and Zenith Energy. Each forum is different in its approach to examining the 6-mile stretch of aging tank farms that line the North Reach of the Willamette River within a seismic liquefaction zone. In addition to the existing and potential harms of the CEI Hub, the panelists will also discuss the City’s recent and unexpected approval of the Land Use Compatibility Statement for Zenith Energy, which lies within the Hub. The CEI Hub is a six-mile stretch of aging tank farms located in NW Portland along the Willamette River. Within the hub is Zenith, bringing dangerous oil trains through our communities. The forum on January 17th will be information packed and features information on the dangers the CEI Hub poses to us because of seismic risks. When: Tuesday, January 17th Doors & Info Tables @ 6:00 PM Panel @ 6:30 PM Where: Havurah Shalom 825 NW 18th Avenue Portland 97209
Forum Panelists: Bob Sallinger - Conservation Director for Portland Audubon Melanie Plaut, M.D. - Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility Barbara Bernstein - Host of KBOO Radio’s Locus Focus and Audio Documentarian Jay Wilson - Past Chair, Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission, Former Resilience Fellow, National Institute for Standards and Technology Josie Moberg, J.D. - Climate Justice Legal Fellow at Breach Collective
Moderator: Michael Pouncil - Current Chair of the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group