Give feedback: New public trash cans in North Portland
In Spring 2022, the City will be adding new public trash cans throughout North Portland. These 100 new cans will increase the total number of City-provided and serviced trash cans in North Portland to 215. Live or work in North Portland? We want to hear from you! We are actively seeking feedback from people who live or work in North Portland on where the new cans should (or shouldn’t) be located. Please fill out this short survey or send comments to Quintin Bauer by March 15, 2022. If you would like to receive email updates on when and where the cans will be installed, contact Quintin Bauer. Give feedback on where to add new cans Area where new trash cans will be added:

The new cans will be added in the area from the Willamette River on the West, city limits on the North, Burnside Street on the South, and Williams Avenue on the East, as well as in the Lloyd District from the Willamette River on the West, Broadway on the North, Burnside on the South, and NE 15th Avenue on the East. Cans can be placed on public sidewalks, including near businesses, schools, and intersections. (The cans cannot be placed in parking lots or other private property.) About the trash cans:

The 65-gallon trash cans are 4.5-feet tall and take up a 3x3-foot space on the ground. In some cases, such as narrow sidewalks, a smaller 35-gallon can may be used. The cans have a side attachment for deposit beverage bottles, which can be easily collected by community members. The art on the outside of the cans will be designed by local artists, chosen in partnership with local arts groups. The trash cans will be emptied twice a week by a women or minority-owned trash hauler (currently being selected).