2022 Bill Naito Community Trees Award | The individual winner is Ginger Edwards
The Bill Naito Community Trees Award recognizes our neighbors who have worked tirelessly to care for, protect, and advocate for our community’s trees.
This year, the individual winner is Ginger Edwards. From the Arbor Lodge Tree Teams nomination: “Ginger Edwards is our community’s Lorax. Not only does she speak for trees, she speaks for parks and native species and pollinators and as a former police officer and social worker, the entire human-human and human-Other community that enfolds us all. The Arbor Lodge Tree Team works to plant, preserve, and promote trees in our neighborhood and beyond. Mainly, though, we are just people who like trees. Ginger has guided, motivated, and ever-so-gently cajoled us into a group of volunteer “tree geeks” - increasingly cohesive, educated, and focused on the two branches of our tree mission: policy/advocacy/education and putting trees in the ground.
“The Lorax” story encourages personal care and involvement in making a situation better. Seuss writes: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Ginger is our Lorax.””

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