Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, May 18, 7pm-8:30pm
Join us for our monthly Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting
When: Thursday, May 18, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm
Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon)
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83834587971?pwd=OUZUTFpzNy8rLytwVXd4R0RVZmRjZz09
We’re excited to let you know that Representative Travis Nelson (District 44) will be joining us for this meeting.
Topics include:
Legislative updates from Representative Travis Nelson
Neighborhood Safety Brainstorm
Arbor Lodge Park Cleanup 5/20
I5/Lombard Focus Group update
Red Barn Issues
Committee Updates
6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)
----Official Meeting-----
7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)
7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)
Ground Rules:
Stay engaged
Speak your truth
Be with your discomfort
Expect and accept non closure
Keep mics on mute
I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation
Please only one person speaking at once for closed captioning and accessibility
Share any extra questions in chat
Does everyone agree?
7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes) - Daniel Hovanas from Do Good Multnomah
7:15pm Guest: Representative Travis Nelson (District 44) will be joining us to provide legislative updates
7:50pm 1-5/Lombard Focus Group - Katie MacKenzie
8:00 pm Discussion and Brainstorming Building Community and Community Safety (follow up to survey) - Kevin Micalizzi
8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (25 minutes)
Parks - vacant position
Transportation - vacant position
General Announcements
Community Allocations Funds were approved for $647.90
TJ McHugh and Comm. Ryan are working to set up a meeting for NA’s and nonprofits in North Portland to talk about how things are going. Looking for a date in June that would work to meet.
Land Use
6316-6346 N Maryland Presentation, TBD
Clean Air - vacant position
Tree Team
Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position
Outreach / communication
New Arbor Lodge Events Calendar launched arborlodgepdx.org/calendar
8:30pm End of meeting