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Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting | Thursday January 19, 7pm-8:30pm

Please join us for our monthly meeting this Thursday, January 19, 2023, from 7-8:30pm | (informal time from 6:45-7pm) The meeting will be offered both in person at the Kenton Firehouse and over Zoom. Kenton Fire House 8105 N Brandon Ave Portland, OR 97217 Click here to join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592

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January 19, 2022, ALNA Public Meeting Agenda:

  • 6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)

----Official Meeting-----

  • 7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)

  • 7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)

    • Ground Rules:

      • Stay engaged

      • Speak your truth

      • Be with your discomfort

      • Expect and accept non closure

      • Keep mics on mute

      • I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation

      • Share any extra questions in chat

      • Does everyone agree?

  • 7:05 pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes)

  • 7:15 pm Guest Speaker: Mike Serritella | Transportation Planner

  • 7:50 pm Light Pollution Letter - Greenwich Ave building

  • 7:53 pm Colfax Land Use meeting

  • 8:00 pm Red Barn Issues

  • 8:05 pm Vacant Lot at Rosa Parks & Denver

  • 8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (25 minutes)

    • NPNS

    • Treasurer

    • Parks

    • Transportation - vacant position

    • Land Use

    • Clean Air - vacant position

    • Tree Team

    • Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position

    • Outreach / communication

  • 8:30pm End of meeting


General Updates: We are now covered by insurance through NPNS Inc - things to know about coverage are:

  • Directors and Officers insurance coverage is retroactive from November 1, 2022. The new insurance policy took more time than usual to renew. It actually needed to be rewritten. We have a new carrier and broker.

  • EPN is the contractor who is managing that insurance. I will continue to be the link between EPN and your organization.

  • There has been an increase in costs, the new nonprofit D and O policy is considerably more expensive than the prior one with JD Fulwiler/Philadelphia Indemnity. EPN is expecting this will be the same for the General Liability coverage.

  • EPN will be the same contractor creating the new GL policy.

  • There should not be any changes in the 2023-24 year, but I can’t promise anything after that.

  • If you anticipate an event that hadn’t been forecasted, then you may have to purchase your own policy rider.

Update on Good Neighbor Agreement:

  • ALNA Board Members (Ashley and Ginger) are continuing to work with the County, and Do Good Multnomah on a good neighbor agreement. There is discussion of deciding whether to sign it now, or wait until closer to when shelter is back online. We want to work with neighbors to see what they would like to see, and what timeline seems appropriate.