Update: September 14th 2019
Arbor Lodge NA meeting
ALNA is open to all who live, work, play in Arbor Lodge; please come join us and help make your neighborhood even better.
Thursday: September 19th, 7pm
Kenton Fire House, 8105 N. Brandon
* Welcome
* Committee Reports:
Land Use - including LUBA appeal discussion, request for support from other NA's
Clean Air
* Brainstorming any bills/checks needed in October/November - Ginger (check signer) will be gone
* Elections - in October - how are we recruiting? ideas?
* NPNS, Inc report due November 15th - who can assemble it - required to continue insurance coverage
* Treasurer's Report
* Approval of Minutes for August
* Annoucements? PUAH gathering on October 25th at KFH, others?