New seasons (FPO - ask for use rights)
Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Styrofoam/Styrene Pnuts now accepted at Clean Up

Yes, Agilyx, the place we take all the recyclable styrofoam/styrene will now accept P nuts.

They must BREAK, not BEND.  If they snap/break and are a curlique style they are likely styrene.  If they bend, they have starch in them as we cannot accept them.

Please bring them in a clear plastic bag.

And, bring all your other recycling and SWAP materials.

What is a SWAP item?  Something you no longer need, but is usable by a neighbor

Where?Delaware Street between Saratoga and Dekum.  Entry only from Saratoga

When?Saturday, May 18th, 10-2


Yes to:household junkmetalelectronics - anything with a cord or battery, no to fluids, fuels or bio-hazardstyrofoam/styrene  #6 - check the Agilyx website to be sure, ( they have pictures)tiresLarge Public SWAP areareusable, unpainted building materials

No to:painted itemsconstruction/remodeling waste materialsyard debris or kitchen wastedirt/stumpsconcrete, contractor loads, any form of asbestosbatteries, light bulbs, microwaves, car batteriesdemolition debris - tiles, shingles, ceilings, plaster, insulation, electrical wire,starch pnuts - they BEND, they don't snap/break

$10 donation suggested