Agenda Tuesday November 20th Board Meeting
Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association
Tuesday November 20th, 2018
Kenton Firehouse 6:30pm
Welcome, introductions (5 minutes
Approval of October minutes (5 minutes)
Special Election --open at large positions (10 minutes)
Brian Duncan Fruit Tree Giveaway (5 minutes)
ALNA board member needed for planning committee
Decision on whether or not to expand past Arbor Lodge to other neighborhood
Bylaws Update (5 minutes)
Update membership meeting quorum rules to match board meeting quorum rules. 50% plus one (1) of the filled elected Board positions. If a quorum is not present, no votes can be taken.
North Portland Trust Fund (10 minutes)
Community grants ranging from $500-$3500
Opportunity exists for North Portland Neighborhood Associations to form selection committees to award grants within their neighborhood boundaries
Board needs to inform NPNS if Arbor Lodge are interested in reviewing grant applications and awarding a local pool of projects.
Alternative is for NPNS to continue to act as the selection committee North Portland Vanport Legacy Enhancement Grant (5 minutes)
Any proposals that meet the grant criteria?
Happy Hour/December social event? (5 minutes)
Update on Communications (5 minutes)
Mailing list consolidation
Planning for new website
Other committee Updates (20 minutes)
Land Use
Clean Air
Tree Team
Open floor, members (15 minutes)