New seasons (FPO - ask for use rights)
Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Update: April 27th 2017

Interested in Trees in Arbor Lodge neighborhood?come join the Tree Team, check us out and decide to join us or not - hope you do.

Monday, May 1st, 6pm, Lucky Lab on Killingsworth

Tree Team meeting!


1.  Young Street Tree Pruning Event, May 13th, start/end Arbor Lodge Park

2.  Park Inventory to create trifold flyer for all, Sept 16th, Arbor Lodge Park

3.  update on Omaha Blocks, inoculation of Dutch Elm Trees and mowing and young trees - Allen can you update us on the Dutch Elms for this?  I'll also ask Mike Tokstad, Omaha resident who brought the mowing issue to ALNA

4.  Urban Forestry grant options to plant trees in our neighborhood

5.  Planned Celebration for "Cindy" our newest Heritage Tree in Arbor Lodge neighborhood

I'll bring our Street Tree Inventory map, info on the Urban Forestry grants, brochures on what trees can be planted where, etc.
