Meeting tonight, plus upcoming air quality meeting in North Portland
1. 6:30 pm Welcome, Introductions, sign-in.
2. 6;35 pm Approval of minutes; budget and thoughts on next years budget
3; 6:45 pm Unfinished business/action review:gna, letter to City, letter from
Gregg Garcia on Jackson's proposal :letter to OLCC
4. 6;55 pm Wilamette EPA superfund proposal released June 8, 2016:Comments and action
5. 7:05 Comp Plan update-Nate Young
6; 7:15 Movie in the Park and Park work date august 8 2016.Volunteers needed for park work date
7: 7;25 Update on July Barbecue, Sunday Parkways
8: 7;35 Diesel Standards for Oregon. What action should we suggest?
formation of committee to meet on diesel standards
9 7;45 Park, Trails and Local transportation Improvement committee
10. 8pm adjourn
We will meet at North Portland Neighborhood Services, N Schofield and Brandon, south entrance, on the 2nd floor. We understand that an elevator is available, just ring the bell!
Also, many folks in North Portland are concerned about air toxics. Speaker Tina Kotek wanted to provide an opportunity for folks to ask questions directly to DEQ. Below is a link to the Facebook post about an event this coming Monday, June 20, that will allow for just that!