Update: February 6th 2016
Clean Up Co lead neededArbor Lodge Neighborhood Association is seeking help to plan and complete the Clean Up, our annual April fundraising event. We work jointly with the Kenton Neighborhood Association on this, so the work is spread out amongst many.
This is our main fundraiser and how we pay for the August Movie in the Park (costs for that are between $650-$800 yearly). It is set for April 23rd, between 10-2. We are hoping to find someone willing to work with the lead this year, and take over that lead responsibility for next year with lots of help and support from ALNA and our members.
It can be fun, folks get rid of lots and lots of stuff, you help raise money for your neighborhood, and you get to meet more neighbors, what's not to like? We have a list of the duties, and the current lead is happy to talk to anyone interested. Please message us at ALNA and we will get back to you asap.