Dog Lovers of Arbor Lodge Park, we need you!
Have you noticed the smelly, muddy, puddle along the south side of the off-leash area next to the paved path? If so, come help us eliminate it on Saturday, October 10th between 9-12. This is a work party titled Parke Diem. It is a city wide volunteer effort, but in Arbor Lodge Park this is our priority. We need you to help us dig it out, line it with landscape cloth, then spread gravel so it will not refill with water and mud. Healthier dogs, less mud and smell in the Park, what's not to like?
If you sign up online you'll help us plan the day, and you'll get a free Parke Diem T-shirt. Here is the link: www.parklandia.org/parkediem, then select North Portland under the community button, then Arbor Lodge Park.
Hope to see you October 10th!meet at the west baseball diamond off Dekum and close to Greeley, it is our tool shed. We'll have snacks and water.