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Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Update: September 8th 2015

School Back Pack Program starts for 2015-2016 school year, please join us!Each Friday backpacks go home with children known to be hungry over the weekend.  These children and youth have been identified by their teachers and school counselors as just not having enough to eat over the weekend; and they show up hungry on most Mondays mornings.  Hungry kids don't learn as well, and sometimes act out in others ways due to their hunger.  You can help end this cycle and it is easy.

Join the School Back Pack Group in Arbor Lodge.  Individuals and families donate 20-40 individual pieces of fresh fruit (apples and oranges and tangerines travel best) 1-2 times per school year.  This fresh fruit is added to food staples like canned goods and dry foods.  It is enough to get each child/youth through the weekend.

Once a year we have a party to Celebrate, Give Thanks, and Share.  We celebrate each other, give thanks for our plenty, and share with others by bringing $5 gift certificates to grocery stores, cash, and/or canned goods to add to the Winter Break backpacks (a 2-3 week break in school).

Any level of participation is wonderful.  This year we will be trying to help fill 40 back packs.  Right now we have 17 families/individuals in the donation group.  Can you join and help out?  If so, contact Ginger at, and Thank you!