Seeking 3-5 Volunteers for Easy Job - Flyering
Seeking 3-5 volunteers with 1-2 hours on their hands between Aug 5-14 to flyer in the neighborhood. Help us cover a few holes in our distribution area and explore a (possibly) new corner of the neighborhood:
-Chattauqua east to Oatman and Lombard south to Bryant-Willamette east to Burrage and Bryant south to Rosa Parks- Atlantic east to Wilbur and Rosa Parks south to Ainsworth
We've divided the sections so that they're small enough for one person, and you just drop the flyers off on the front porch. You'd be helping us make sure that everyone (not just people following us online) hear about our August 16th Movie in the Park – “Mary Poppins.”
We'll provided a map of your section, enough flyers, a little exercise and many thanks!
If interested and have the time and energy, please contact Sharon Parker at sharonparker@prodigy.net by Monday or Tuesday of this week if possible!
Thanks a lot!!