Today - Take Action on Air Quality
Are you concerned about the air quality in our neighborhood?
Today, Tuesday, October 7 at 7:00pm - Buckley Center 163 at the University of Portland (5000 N. Willamette Blvd.)
Vigor Industrial, who operates a shipyard on Swan Island, has reached out to Neighbors for Clean Air to attempt to address community concerns about their impact on neighborhood air quality. As part of this process, Vigor Industrial has engaged an engineering firm, ERM, to conduct an alternatives analysis to reduce emissions and odors. Resident volunteers will be representing neighborhood interests in negotiating a Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) with Vigor. It is vitally important that we meet with our neighbors, explain what we are doing, and find out from you what you would like us to include in and accomplish with this GNA. This first meeting is short - only one hour - in an effort to encourage as many neighbors as possible to join us. The advisory committee members will stay an additional half hour to answer questions.
Bring yourself and bring your neighbors - your presence will make a difference.
The meeting will:1. Introduce the advisory committee members2. Provide a brief history of how we arrived at this negotiating process3. Summarize the Odor and Hazardous Air Pollutants Emissions Assessment Plan currently underway at the Vigor facility on Swan Island4. Explain the purposes and goals of a GNA5. Gather desired outcomes to include in the Vigor GNA