New seasons (FPO - ask for use rights)
Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Update: August 7th 2014

Fill Our Closets!Please support both Chief Joseph/Ockley Green "Community Zone" and Peninsula PTA Clothes Closets.  Bring gently used, clean donations to our event tent during Harper's Playground Community Play Day and Arbor Lodge Movies in the Park on August 17th from 11am until dark.  Peninsula's focus is on helping children recover from embarrassing situations and quickly return to the classroom.  We need new underwear in all sizes, belts for boys and men, kids pants size 4-16.  CJOG runs an outreach closet and they are low on deodorant, soaps of all kinds, toilet paper, new socks, clothes hangers, girls pants size 10-16, girls medium size shirts, and girls shoes sizes 5-8.  No tank tops please.  Any cash or check donations will be graciously accepted and split between both closets to fill in as needed.  Thank you for cleaning out your closets to fill ours!  For more information or to volunteer send e-mail to