PSU Homelessness and Housing Survey
Via PSU:
Hello! We are researchers at Portland State University, and we’re interested in learning more about homelessness and housing in your neighborhood. Please take 10 to 15 minutes to complete an anonymous online survey about different types of housing and services in your neighborhood that can support people experiencing homelessness. This information can help us know how people in different neighborhoods in Portland think and feel about homelessness and how we can develop programs to address homelessness in your neighborhood.
The only requirements for participation are being at least 18 years old and living in the City of Portland.
Thanks for your participation!
Survey Link (can only be completed once): https://portlandstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2uwy77IPCCkjtb0
The survey will close on August 3, 2021.
Please contact homelessness@pdx.edu if you have questions, or to learn more.