May 2014 Neighborhood Meeting Agenda
AgendaArbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Meeting, Thursday, May 15th, 6:30, Kenton Firehouse6:30 Welcome, introductions6:40 review/additions to Agenda6:45 Mack McFarland, Piedmont neighbor with invitation6:50 Barbara Quinn, Cathedral Park neighbor with information about Toxic Waste Dump proposed for the Willamette River close to us7:10 Annoucements/planning for coming events: * May 27th info walk on Lombard, review of Commercial zoning changes with city planners * Young Tree work shops July 12th, 15th, 22nd * Sunday Parkways, June 22nd * Movie in the Park, August 17th * booth for Movie * helping PTA with clothing drive for schools * leading garden walks in neighborhood between 3-6 that day * Block Parties * Neighborhood Night Out at the Park7:30 Review of minutes/budget issues * $200 voted for Block parties are actually in the next budget cycle * maybe buying "ooze tubes" for newly planted trees in the neighborhood, branded with ALNA Logo, then loaned to those with new trees to improve survival of those trees through the summer.7:45 any additional Agenda items brought forth, or Adjourn