Update: March 16th 2014
Please join us Thursday, March 20th, 6:30 Kenton Fire House
March 20th Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association meeting
Kenton Fire House
6:30 Introductions, ask if any additions to Agenda by those present
6:40 Minutes and Treasurer's reports/updates
6:50 Police Update
7:00 Update on Clean Up - Volunteers needed!, Movie in the Park update, North Portland Parks Committee letter to Amanda Fritz
7:15 Panel on Development in Arbor Lodge
* zoning, do you know your zoning?
* affordable housing issues
* transportation safety issues - bikes and pedestrians
* presentation of some options for ALNA
* developing a flier about zoning in the transit zone only
* developing "Arbor Lodge Guidelines", a set of desired development guidelines for our neighborhood, not enforceable, but giving both the City and potential developers info about who we are and what we'd like to see
* your ideas?????
8:00 Putting it altogether
* do we need a group to write up a flier?
* do we need a group from Land Use to volunteer to answer questions presented online or in person?
* should we recruit a group to develop Arbor Lodge Guidelines? if yes, who? how to recruit?
* what else???