ALNA Land Use Meeting May 27, 2021
Please join us every other odd month (May, July, September...) for a zoom meeting to learn about and discuss updates and news related to land use and development in Arbor Lodge Neighborhood. (Image above from the neighborhood contact map with our neighborhood boundary)
Thursday May 27, 2021 from 7:00-8:00pm
On the agenda:
Introduction and schedule for LU meetings (5 minutes)
News on the Nite Hawk property if there is any, and 1515 N Rosa Parks (5 minutes)
6307 N Montana Apartments - Neighborhood Contact meeting June 8 (5 minutes)
Design Overlay Zoning Amendment (DOZA) update - thank you for your testimony!(15 minutes)
2111 N Rosa Parks Apartments - we have answers to our questions (10 minutes)
Meeting about parking in July? Let's brainstorm (10 minutes)
Open forum - anything to share, questions or other concerns? (10 minutes)
E-mail the ALNA Land Use Committee at landuse@arborlodgeneighborhood.com
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89689126875?pwd=K3ZsQ01zSElrS0g5cmxtS2hRN2ZiUT09
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