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Special Membership Meeting and Board Meeting Next Thursday

Join us for a special general membership meeting, followed by our monthly board meeting next Thursday!

Special Membership Meeting 6:30-7:30 pmBoard Meeting: 7:30-8:30 pmThursday, June 20thHistoric Kenton Firehouse8105 N. Brandon Avenue

You are welcome to attend both, but we wanted to break out the items most relevant for our general membership to the first hour. Topics will include:

Membership Meeting: Bylaws, budget revision requests, mural update, land use, and summer eventsBoard Meeting: Neighborhood chairs meeting update, development of West Hayden Island, editorial/outreach policies and more.

We hope to see you there!


Friends of Lombard - Kickoff and Free Pierogis - Today!

From our friends at Swift Planning:

It's time for action!  You and your neighbors told us what you wanted North Lombard to be.  Our team took that vision and put together a list of strategies for how the community can get there.  And you, together with your fellow neighbors and business owners on this list, you are the ones who have stepped forward to be an active part of positive change for your street. 

Kevin and Mel, owners of the Foggy Notion bar in Arbor Lodge, have donated their space for this meeting.  Better yet, they're making homemade pierogies for you!  Come early at 6 for free appetizers and enjoy a special extended Happy Hour at the cash bar until 8pm.  Here are the details:

Kickoff Meeting DetailsDate: Tuesday, June 11th

Time: 6:00pm mingle/snack; 6:30pm meeting begins

Where: Foggy Notion, 3416 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97217

Bring: A notebook & pen

What: Meet your neighbors, eat some pierogies, learn about some short-term and long-term projects you can help with, and build some teams around some of these ideas.

Being a local superhero can be as simple as writing an e-mail to your City officials to ask for a better traffic signal or as involved as spearheading the formation of a Lombard Business Association.  You can be as active as you want to be.  Come to the meeting and find out what some of those opportunities are, meet other people who care about the same things you do, and figure out where you want to fit into this new group.  We'll even have some local experts on hand who can help with some of the specific projects. 

If you'd like to be involved but can't make the meeting, don't worry.  We'll send a follow-up e-mail to re-cap the meeting and list next steps. 

Please e-mail us with any questions, and we look forward to seeing you on June 11th!


Bylaws Discussion -- Wednesday, May 29th

Bylaws might be one of those things you feel strongly about or have no idea they exist!  Either way, Arbor Lodge invites you to participate in our next round of open bylaws discussion.

ALNA Bylaws Revision Work Session

Kenton Firehouse

Wednesday, May 29th

7:30 PM

Over the last several months ALNA has held many work sessions to brainstorm ideas, facilitate dialog, and craft new language for our bylaws in an effort to make these guiding principles the best they can be for our organization.  We presented the proposed changes at our last general membership meeting in April and heard some additional feedback and we are working to incorporate changes and hammer out any final revisions before the membership takes a vote.  As always, we invite everyone's participation!  Will you join us?


Opportunities for Funding and Service with Metro

Funding Opportunity:

At their meeting in May, Metro’s North Portland Enhancement Grant Committee finalized the next steps for distributing a remaining $1.6 million in an enhancement fund by 2018. Letters of interest for capacity building grants from organizations and individuals that support the neighborhoods of University Park, Arbor Lodge, Portsmouth, Overlook, Cathedral Park, St. Johns and Kenton are now being solicited by the Committee. Letters of Interest are due by 4 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2013. 

Details about eligibility and the application process can be found here:

The Committee also confirmed its support for the North Portland Greenway Trail, pledging $851,000 toward the construction of a pedestrian bridge over Columbia Boulevard and a trail to an overlook that will be constructed on the former St. John’s Landfill. The Committee encouraged Metro staff to seek additional opportunities to leverage the enhancement funds through partnerships, grants and other donations to complete a 4-mile section of the trail between Chimney and Kelley Point Park.

Service Opportunity: (great on a resume, great way to serve your neighborhood!)

Arbor Lodge residents interested in serving on the North Portland Enhancement Committee should apply to fill a recent vacancy on the committee. To apply, submit an Applicant Interest Form by 5 p.m., Monday, June 10, 2013. To download the application for membership and for more information about the committee, visit:

Questions? Please contact:

Heather Nelson KentMetro community grants program 503-797-1739


Update: May 17th 2013

Like Trees?If you do, consider joining us for the Tree Inventory this summer.  You can sign up for one morning, or all 4, it's up to you.   On those dates (June 22nd, August 1st, August 17th and September 14th) we will meet at 8:30 at Arbor Lodge Park, and fan out to count street trees only.  We'll end at 12, noon each day.

Why do this?  We'll have a data base of how many street trees we have in Arbor Lodge, what types of street trees we have, the general health, and the diameter of each.  With this data we can plan to increase the overall canopy if we want, what trees to emphasize, etc.

Did you know that street trees and yard trees increase the value of your home?  And, that the general health of humans living near trees increases and overall crime goes down?  Urban Forestry hosted a talk on these topics at the Lucky Lab last month by an economist with the US Forest Service.

So come out and join your neighbors.  Have some fun, get to know your neighborhood and each other while helping us continue to improve Arbor Lodge neighborhood.  You can sign up at: to Arbor Lodge, then pick a date!  Training is only required for "team leaders".  Thank you.  : )

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