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Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Update: April 28th 2013

$624!That's the amount of money earned with the volunteers, donators, contributors, etc. to the Arbor Lodge/Kenton Clean Up yesterday.  And that is just our share.

Many thanks to all who volunteered, who brought items and donated, who spread the word via distributing fliers or just telling a neighbor.  This money will help us fund the Movie in the Park on July 27th, and more.

You all rock!  Together we make Arbor Lodge great.  : )


Bring your junk, recyclables and reusables to Saturday's Neighborhood Clean-up

Drop off your unwanted household junk, reusable clothes and more. We'll recycle what we can and save you a trip to the dump!

SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 201310am – 2pm7654 N Delaware AveIn the parking lot at N Delaware & N FarragutLook for traffic routers/signage for entry and exit

We accept: Household junk, reusable building materials, metal, tires, reusable clothing and furniture. We're arranging to have a public swap area for reusable items, the rest goes to Goodwill.

We do not accept: Yard debris, garbage, kitchen waste, commercial or hazardous waste, paint, curbside recycling, concrete, dirt, stumps, large appliances, microwaves, TVs, contractor loads nor car batteries

All vehicles, regardless of, size will be charged a flat fee of $10. Proceeds go to support events in your neighborhood.

Please prepare your load by separating materials.

To volunteer or for more information

Generously supported by: Metro, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, North Portland Neighborhood Services, as well as volunteers from the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood and Kenton Neighborhood Associations


Update: April 14th 2013

Coffee Gathering at CUP, this Tuesday, April 16th, 10am    Come join us and maybe meet a new neighbor.  We'll be downstairs in the "family area".  CUP is on Interstate, just north of Lombard.


Upcoming General Membership Meeting

We hope you can join us for our general membership meeting, next Thursday, April 18th at 6:30 pm.

Come out, meet your neighbors, and find out what is happening where you live.

Here are some of the items we'll be discussing this month:

  • Guest presenter: Sam Chase, Metro Councilor

  • Neighborhood Clean-Up Day

  • Bylaws revisions

  • Land Use updates

  • Washington Park parking meters

  • Lombard Re-imagined request for funding

  • Movies in the Park

As always, the meeting is at:Historic Kenton Firehouse8105 N. Brandon Street


Notice of Proposed Changes to ALNA Bylaws

The Arbor Lodge Board requests membership review and feedback on a proposed set of changes to our Bylaws, the document that describes how we will govern the Neighborhood Association. We have been working on these revisions for several months at board meetings and additional work sessions and will present them for a vote at our April membership meeting.

During this process, Board members articulated the following goals for the bylaw revision:

  • Clarifying that the role of the Board is to empower neighbors to participate and champion actions on issues important to them

  • Flattening hierarchy while retaining accountability

  • Increasing participation and reducing barriers to participation

  • Clarifying details of elections and board member accountability

A summary of changes we are proposing include:

  • Clarifying age of eligibility for membership and requiring that members confirm membership in writing.

  • Combining all language about membership and board meetings into one section titled 'Meetings.'

  • Adding language from the City's Office of Neighborhood Involvement Neighborhood Association Bylaws Template explaining how neighbors can expect to participate in meetings and conduct grievance procedures.

  • Clarifying our expectations for board attendance and at-large board roles, as well as liason representatives of the Board to other groups/committees.

  • Allowing the Board to share duties in a transparent and accountable manner.

  • Clarifying the lengths of board member terms, as well as the term start and end dates, and how to handle vacant positions.

  • Adding duties to the Secretary so that they are aligned with current practices

  • Adding language to the elections and nominations process.

  • New sections on: Committees, procedures for consideration of proposals, conflict of interest

  • Removing membership's ability to set the budget/financial policies, while retaining the Board's responsibility to ask the membership for input and feedback on the budget.

  • Increasing the notice date for bylaws revisions from 7 to 14 days

We invite neighborhood association members to review these changes and vote on them at our April Membership Meeting, Thursday, April 18th, 6:30pm, Historic Kenton Firehouse.

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The following documents are PDFs. We can provide versions of these documents in other formats upon request. Please email arborlodgepdx[at]gmail[dot]com for details or call our Chair, Katy, at 971-227-4234.

1. Current bylaws dated 5.20.2010

2. Draft Bylaws showing our track changes

3. Draft Bylaws w/o track changes (should be easier on the eyes).

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