New seasons (FPO - ask for use rights)
Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Flame weed training at Arbor Lodge Park

Are you interested in honing your flame weeding techniques?! 

Flame weeding is an environmentally safe method to weeding. Alex, from the Portland Parks Department, will provide flame weed training during our park work party on March 9th. Come learn a new skill you can apply at home to combat those pesky weeds!


Let's make some music!

Hey, Arbor Lodge!  Let's make some music!

Everyone's invited to an open jam session on March 16 from 2 to 4pm at the home of Betsy Lance.  We have a piano and a (marginal) drum kit at the house, but bring your own instruments as well.  Feel free to bring some music to share, too.  All skill levels are welcome.

We want to create a local network of all types of musicians.  Also, we have hopes of performing at some neighborhood events over the summer, particularly Arbor Lodge Park's first ever Movie in the Park showing.  Join us for our first meet-up and we'll see where it takes us!

If you have any question, email Betsy at for more details.


Lombard Walk-About: Let's make Lombard More (fill in the blank)

Have you heard about the Swift Planning Group that is working on a project called Lombard Re-imagined? It's a group of senior planning students at PSU who have responded to the request for new ideas on a stretch of Lombard from Chautauqua to MLK Blvd.

They want to hear from you!

The Swift Planning Group will be available to hear your ideas at the Comp Plan Workshop this coming Tuesday, February 26th. They will also be holding two Saturday walk-abouts where they can see exactly what/where you're talking about in person. These walk-abouts are scheduled for March 2nd from 10am-11:30am and March 9th from 1-2:30pm, meeting at Cup Cafe (formerly Northstar) before heading out to Lombard.


Save the date and maybe, donate: Chief Joseph School Auction

Several Board members and neighbors attended the Chief Joseph School Auction last year and had a blast! Mark your calendar because this year's auction date is set for April 26th at Castaway. We will post details here when ticket sales go online.

If you or your business would like to purchase ad space in their program (we do this - it's great exposure for a good cause), want to donate an item to the auction itself, or just want more details, contact auction{at}chiefjoepta{dot}org.

With the proposed merging of our two neighborhood schools, Chief Joseph and Ockley Green, it's an even better time to show your support for the families that make up our neighborhood! Chief Joeseph PTA says that if the two schools do merge, the proceeds from the auction will be spread across both campuses.


Comp Plan Public Workshop

Are you looking for an opportunity to share your opinions about the long-range planning of our wonderful city?  There is a workshop scheduled in our area coming up very soon.  Mark your calendars!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

5:30 - 8:30 PM

De La Salle High School

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