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Do you have individual or small business health insurance?

Do you think that your experience trying to obtain services could be improved upon? If so, State Senator Chip Shields invites you to give testimony on the insurance industry.


SALEM - Oregon State Senator Chip Shields (N/NE Portland) is seeking input from the public on their experience with the insurance industry and ways to improve the insurance market for consumers and small business. 

As Chair of the Senate General Government, Consumer and Small Business Protection Committee, Sen. Shields is focused on improving the insurance industry for consumers and small business.  The committee is holding an informational hearing on insurance next Wednesday, December 12 in Hearing Room C (see full agenda below).  At least 45 minutes of the hearing will be devoted to public testimony.

"Legislators regularly hear from insurance company lobbyists," said Sen. Shields. "It's time we get input from individuals and small businesses whose livelihoods depend on a good, fair product with claims paid timely and as promised.  I urge people to come and share their story."

Loreta Boskovic, a resident of North Portland, already plans to testify.  

"We're grateful for the opportunity to share our family's experience," Boskovic says. "We've been through a lot, and we're excited to have the ear of decisionmakers. We hope others will take advantage of this unique chance to speak up and be heard."

The amount of time each person will be given to testify will depend on how many people sign up, but individuals should plan on three minutes to share their experience and give their ideas for improvement.

Full details

Day: Wednesday, December 12th

Time: Hearing 8-11am, public testimony 10-10:45am

Location: State Capitol, Hearing Room C

Live broadcast:

Full Committee Agenda

For more information about the upcoming hearing, please call Amanda Hess at 503-231-2564, or email the office at

Thanks to neighbor and former board member, Janet Arenz, for the tip on this opportunity to weigh in!


Last Friday Happy Hour

Join us for Last Friday Happy Hour at 

Northside Restaurant & Lounge

1730 N Lombard Street

Friday, November 30th

5:30-6:30 PM

We've toasted our local businesses and community at almost every single bar in our neighborhood.  Join us to toast this last one!


Special Invitation from the Philosophy Club at UP

The Philosophy Club at the University of Portland is hosting a discussion panel, What's In Our Air?,featuring the following panelists:

1.       Sarah Armitage, Department of Environmental Quality2.       Mary Peveto, President of Neighbors for Clean Air3.       Steve Kolmes, UP Molter Chair in Science4.       Jeff Rook, UP Environmental Safety Officer

We hope that you can join us on Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 from 7:45pm - 9:45pm to learn and talk about the air quality in Portland, and more specifically, our north Portland neighborhood. The discussion will be in Mago Hunt Recital Hall and snacks will be provided!

If you have a Facebook account, please reply to this invitation:

Philosophy ClubUniversity of Portland


November Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting of the 

Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association

is scheduled for Thursday, November 15th, at the

Historic Kenton Firehouse

2209 N. Schofield, 6:30 pm

Click this link to access the AGENDA.


Tofurky Trot 2012

The Third Annual Tofurky Trotis set to commence Thanksgiving morning at 8:00!

2011 Tofurky Trotters

You're invited to walk, skip, run (or any other way you'd like to get around) through scenic North Portland.

There are no prizes (unless you bring them and award them yourself), no commemorative t-shirts, no timing clock, and no required Tofurky eating. You can even make an alternate route if you want! The only guarantee is seeing your friendly neighbors and some pastries and drinks at the finish line.

The Tofurkey Trot will begin at 8:00 AM, Thursday, November 22nd. The starting line is in front of the yellow house on Greenwich Avenue between Dekum and Bryant. Hope you can make it!

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