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Update: August 9th 2012

This month's meeting of the

Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Board is scheduled for

Thursday, August 16, 6:30pm, at the Kenton Firehouse

Please click this link to access the Agenda for the August meeting.


Update: August 4th 2012

Saturday, August 11th, we will work in the Park from 9-11.  Our work keeps the Park both pesticide and herbicide free.  Invite a friend and neighbor to join you for some light work.  Come see the progress on Harper's Playground due to open in September.  

We provide healthy snacks, gloves and tools.  

Hope to see you there!  Questions?


What's in our air?

Some neighbors have contacted ALNA to ask about odors in the neighborhood from time to time.  Have you ever wondered what's in our air?  Local film producer and clean air advocate, Sharon Genasci, will join us to talk about Portland air quality and show the documentary, What's in Our Air.  Learn more about air toxics, effects, monitoring and studies by Oregon DEQ, and find out what we can do.

The free screening of What's in Our Air will be shown at the Historic Kenton Firehouse on Monday evening, July 30th at 7:30.  We hope to see you!



Please join your neighbors for Happy Hour, the last Friday of the Month.

Friday, July 27th @ Interstate Bowling Lanes

6049 N Interstate Ave.

5:30 - 6:30 pm



There will be a General Neighborhood Meeting of the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association on Thursday, July 19th .... 6:30 pm, at the Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N. Brandon Street)

Guest Speaker:  JASMINE ZIMMER-STICKY, COLUMBIA RIVERKEEPERS, will speak about proposals and developments concerning coal exports via ports in the Pacific Northwest and the potential impact of coal transport trains through our region.

Please click this link to access the Meeting Agenda.

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