Two Announcements: Thursday Meeting Location Change and Ride of Silence Today!
We hope to see you at the Ride of Silence we've organized this evening. See you at 6:30 at Arbor Lodge Park at Delaware and Dekum!
Also, due to construction at our usual meeting location at the Kenton Firehouse, we are changing our meeting location to Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 N Rosa Parks, 6:30PM this Thursday, May 19.
Our agenda for this week:
1: 6:30 pm Welcome, introduction minutes, budget
2: 6:35 pm Oregonians Against the Death Penalty-Ron Steiner
3: 6:40pm Chief Joseph update-Elizabeth Potter, incoming PTA president
4: 6:55pm Arbor Lodge Road Safety Committee-Christopher Jones
5: 7:05pm Can recycling facility 7044 North Interstate-Nate Young
6: 7:25pm Bike update- Silent Ride and Brian
7: 7:35pm PIR update-Ginger Edwards
8: 7:45pm Thank yous for Cleanup; Sunday Parkways: update Movie in
the Park; July bar-be-cue
9: 8:00pm cookies and treats
Update: May 12th 2016
Short Work Party at Arbor Lodge Park, Saturday, May 14, 9-10:30
Come help us flame weed the gravel parking area off Delaware, or help paint the fine lettering on the Kiosk by the Playground. Light work, short hours, but help appreciated!Meet at the west baseball diamond, 9am. Thank you.
Join Us - Ride of Silence May 18 6:30PM
Join us in leading a Portland-based Ride of Silence to recognize neighbors, families and friends who have been injured or killed while riding bicycles.
We are riding in recognition of Brian Duncan, who was struck on his bicycle by a person driving a car while in a marked and lit crosswalk at the intersection of North Delaware and Rosa Parks on March 30, 2016. Brian, an active member of the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association, loving husband and father of a two-year-old is recovering from a skull fracture, incomplete break of his C4 vertebra and paralysis in all but his left arm.
Participants of all abilities are invited to join the procession. The event starts at 6:30PM at the southeast corner of Arbor Lodge Park (N Delaware and Dekum). A brief ceremony remembering family and loved-ones who lost their lives while riding their bicycle will be held, followed by ride protocol and safety instructions. The ride will return to Arbor Lodge Park around 7:30PM. The ride will not exceed 12 mph. Participants must wear helmets, are encouraged to bring headlights and taillights, and are invited to consider wearing:• Names of riders you are riding in memory of printed and pinned to your back• Black and/or red shirts, ribbons, arm bands, etc. Wear black to honor a cyclist who was killed, and red for one that was injured by a motorist.
Let us know you're coming by RSVP'ing on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/109757106105990/
Contact Nick Miller with questions at miller dot ns at gmail dot com, or 503-544-1839.
You're Invited - Transportation Safety Meet-up - Update!
Are you interested in helping us take action for transportation safety in the neighborhood? Let us know if you can make our inaugural Safety Brainstorm/Action session this Sunday, May 1, by clicking through to this doodle poll. http://doodle.com/poll/e4ffz83hkq5cad84
We've settled on 9-10 am at the Historic Kenton Firehouse, upstairs meeting room. See you there!
Can't make it but still interested? Email katy dot asher at Gmail dot com and we'll add your email to a list for updates.