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Get Prepared!

Ever wanted to prepare for a disaster but felt daunted by all the how-tos? Us too. We know better than most how hard it can be to parse good information from all that's available. If that mountain of info scares you like it did us - good news! We read all that stuff so you don't have to.

The Arbor Lodge and Kenton Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) has curated the following list of preparedness resources. Please take a look at any time.

Who are we? We're your neighborhood NET team, and we're trained by the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management and Portland Fire to assist in a disaster. We hope to build disaster resilience in our community.

PrepOregon -

Family Emergency Supply Calendar -

Multhomah County Office of Emergency Management  - Bureau of Emergency Management -

Emergency Kits -

Be Informed -

FTC - Weather Emergencies - Recovering After a Disaster- Consumer Information -

EPA - Drinking Water Emergency Incident Information -

USDA - Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency -

Weather Alerts -


Update: April 18th 2014

HELP!  We need 4 more volunteers to help with the Clean Up on April 26th

The joint Arbor Lodge/Kenton Clean Up helps both neighborhoods raise needed funds.  Arbor Lodge uses our share to pay for the MOVIE in the PARK.  This year it is August 17th, "Back to the Future".

If you can help, please e-mail  We need 2 folks between 9-12:15, and 2 between 12-3.  We'll feed you from Green Zebra's deli, share their coffee, and snack bars, you'll meet neighbors and have fun too..

Come join the fun and help Arbor Lodge pay for our BIG Party in August.  Thank you!


Update: April 17th 2014

It's Happy Hour time.  Friday, April 25th, 5:30, Lucky LabCome meet some neighbors, hear about the Clean Up on the 26th, and the Neighborhood Emergency Team's training on May 1st.  Look for the ALNA sign on a table.  Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association having fun, and connecting with our neighbors.


NET Survey

The key to surviving a disaster is a close network of friends and neighbors. Arbor Lodge and Kenton are joining a citywide effort called Map Your Neighborhood—a block-by-block meeting that brings neighbors together in advance of an emergency. As part of that effort, we're collecting important information about neighborhood resilience. 

Do we have any doctors in the house? How about carpenters? Engineers perhaps? Maybe you're just really good at caring for dogs, or have some experience canning or gardening. All of these skills can be critical to neighborhood resilience in the event of a large disaster. And we similarly might be helped by learning where in our neighborhood people need the most assistance if disaster strikes. 

Why are we doing all this? Because we're due for an earthquake. And while we hope it never comes, we want to be ready to live well together if it does. 

If this topic interests you, please take our survey at Survey Monkey and help us plan to help you.

Who are we? We're your Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET). We live in Arbor Lodge and Kenton and are trained by the city and fire department to to provide disaster assistance.

Mailling List Signup

The best way to stay updated on the latest neighborhood events.

Adjoining Neighborhoods