Air Quality Workshop
Below is info on a workshop focusing on the link between air quality and risks to public health, with a specific focus on the Portland airshed. This workshop is meant to begin a conversation about potential legislation for the 2015 session around air quality and there will be several Portland-area legislators in attendance. There is a time for public comments at the end of the meeting.
PORTLAND METRO AREA AIR QUALITY WORKSHOPPortland Community College/Cascade Campus705 N. Killingsworth St., Portland ORMoriarty AuditoriumJune 6, 20149am to 3pm
Land Use happenings - including Demolitions Forum and Mixed Use Zone walk TONIGHT!
There are a number of interesting land use gatherings coming up in the next few weeks you should be aware of, beginning with a walking tour tonight along N. Lombard. Read on for more information:
Community Walk - N. Lombard Near Portsmouth7508 N HerefordThursday May 22 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
City of Portland staffer Barry Manning will lead a walk along N. Lombard to discuss the new zone type that has been proposed. Barry will discuss what projects in these zones would look like and to get neighbors' feedback on what they would like to see.Find more information here:http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/article/489127
Neighborhood Center Walk - N. LombardKenton Firehouse | 8105 N. BrandonTuesday May 27 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
North Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability liaison Leslie Lum will lead a walking tour of N. Lombard. The tour of several commercial zones will begin at the Kenton Firehouse with a discussion of different commercial zones. From there the group will walk down to Lombard and head west, talking along the way about what works and what doesn't. The tour will end with a discussion of what might change and how any changes would interact with Kenton and Arbor Lodge.
ABCs of Land Use WorkshopKenton Firehouse | 8105 N. BrandonThursday June 5 | 5:30 - 9:00 PM
Learn the basics of how the City of Portland's land use and development review processes work. Get hands-on experience with a land use review case study, including review of a development proposal and site plan, identification of relevant issues, and effective ways to respond to the approval criteria.
Introduction by Meegan Watts, chair of the Kenton Neighborhood Association and Mary Jaron Kelley, North Portland Neighborhood Services. Presented by John Cole and Leslie Lum, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, and Paul Leistner, Office of Neighborhood Involvement.
Light Dinner and Refreshments will be provided. Workshop is free. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited to 30 people.
Forum on Demolitions, Residential Infill, and Housing Affordability in PortlandConcordia University Luther Hall | 2811 NE Holman St.Wednesday June 11 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Guest speakers from the City's Bureau of Development Services, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, home builders, housing and community organizations will address:• What are the City's regulations around residential tear-downs and new construction?• How do these trends affect neighborhood affordability, stability and equity?• What are the environmental issues around the demolition of buildings?• What is attracting home builders?
For more information about the event please contact Sandra Lefrancois at (503) 823-2780 or sandral@cnncoalition.org.
Update: May 22nd 2014
Interested in public safety in Arbor Lodge? Join this meeting and let ALNA members know what you learned at the next ALNA meeting June 19th, 6:30, KFH. No one from ALNA currently attends these meetings. This meeting is at 6:30 also at the Kenton FireHouse, it is open to all north Portland residents, and all neighborhood associations are encouraged to have someone in attendance. PPB comes and shares good info.
North Portland Public Safety Action Committee Meeting MAY 201415m ago
Brenda Liston-Blanchard from Overlook
If you are concerned about the neighborhood and want to have a voice. Please make sure you attend this meeting on May 28, 2014. The more people in attendance the better our chance of getting action ... View more
See you tonight! Summer fun, short term rentals and more.
We hope to see you at tonight's Arbor Lodge neighborhood meeting. We're getting ready for summer and are looking for people to join us in being social in the good weather - at the park, summer block parties, national night out and more. These are great opportunities to meet neighbors and get to know your neighborhood board members and we hope you'll join us in planning for summer fun!Thursday, May 15th, 6:30, Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N. Brandon
Also, we've been asked to support a request to consider how the City regulates Short Term Rentals (think AirBnB, VRBO, etc.). If you have experience with these and want to weigh in, bring your personal expertise to tonight's meeting. The specific request is below. _______
Dear Neighbors,
We need your support and time is short.
At the April 22, 2014 Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC) meeting, the Commission voted to approve the proposed draft of the Regulatory Improvement Code Amendment Package 6 (RICAP 6) which includes the Accessory Short Term Rental amendments. The package is now moved forward to City Council for approval of the Recommended Draft.
On June 4th at 2:00 pm, City Council is scheduled to review all of the RICAP 6 code amendments, including the Accessory Short Term Rental (STR) amendments.
The STR amendments allow 'by right' short term vacation rentals in single family residential neighborhoods but many neighborhoods have not had the opportunity to review the issues which have recently been raised or comment on the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability’s staff proposal. We are not asking you to take a stand on the provisions of the STR {any of these issues} but simply to support the need for a more comprehensive public review of the STR proposal than has occurred to date.
Southeast Uplift (SEUL) and Central Northeast Neighbors (CNN) Coalitions, as well as the Neighborhood Association Boards of Sellwood Moreland (SMILE), Hosford Abernethy (HAND), and Rose City Park (RCPNA), have submitted official letters to the City of Portland requesting that Accessory Short Term Rentals be removed from the RICAP 6 process because of the need for a broader public discussion. These letters state that the Short Term Rental amendments are a Major Policy Issue and do not qualify to be considered in the RICAP process, which by PSC’s own definition covers Minor Policy Matters and Technical Corrections. The above referenced letters are attached.
Please reply to this email with a vote of support by a simple cut and paste of the message below, deadline Friday, May 30th:
I support SE Uplift and CNN Coalitions’ request for City Council to remove the Accessory Short Term Rentals amendments from RICAP 6 to allow time for a broader community discussion.
Please share this e-mail with your friends and neighbors.
Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully,Ellen Burr - SMILE Board & LU Committee Chair, SEUL LU&TCTamara DeRidder, AICP – Rose City Park Neighborhood Association (RCPNA), Board & Co-Chair LU&TCAnne Dufay, Executive Director, SEUL (representing 20 SE neighborhoods)Bonny McKnight, Coordinator Citywide Land Use CommitteeLinda Nettekoven – Hosford Abernethy Neighborhood Development (HAND) and SEUL LU&TC
Michael Roth - Chairman Rose City Park Neighborhood Association (RCPNA)Mary Ann Schwab - Southeast Uplift resident Alison Stoll, Executive Director, Central NE Neighbors - CNN (representing 7 NE neighborhoods)
Commercial Zone Walk along Lombard
Leslie Lum - our new North Portland District Liaison from the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability - has organized a walk along Lombard to talk about the proposed zoning changes between N Chase and N Denver that were discussed at our last neighborhood meeting.
Arbor Lodge and Kenton Commercial Zone Walk along Lombard: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 from 6:30-8:30
Meet at Kenton Firehouse: 8105 N Brandon Avenue
Rough Agenda6:30-7:00 Describe different commercial zones with examples7:00-8:00 Walk on Lombard (between N Chase-N Denver) to discuss what does and doesn’t work8-8:30 Debrief and talk through what might be appropriate zoning on this strip of Lombard