Community conversation about the future of swimming in North Portland
What: A conversation about swimming in North Portland
When: Saturday, April 23, 2022, 11am - 2pm
Where: Charles Jordan Community Center: 9009 N. Foss Avenue
This is a chance to share your opinion with Portland Parks & Recreation about what you would like to see in a new Aquatics Center in North Portland.
Where would you like to see it located?.
What is the most important programming you want to see in a new swim center?
What amenities would you like to see?
What are your fond memories of Columbia Pool? Bring photos if you have some.
Show up and share your ideas - you could make change happen.
Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting | Thursday April 21, 7pm-8:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83647757592 Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592 One tap mobile +12532158782,,83647757592# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,83647757592# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kuu4ofmiX
6:30pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL TIME (30 minutes)
----Official Meeting-----
7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)
7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)
7:04pm Screen grab! (1 minute)
7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (25 minutes)
7:30pm Look Long Block Party (5 minutes)
7:35pm Fiscal Sponsor for North Portland Doers (10 minutes)
7:45pm Bylaws Vote (10 minutes)
7:55pm Outreach - volunteers to ALNA meeting flyers at apartments? (5 minutes)
8:00pm Breakout Room Prompt (5 minute breakout room, 5 minute report out)
8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (30 minutes)
Land Use
Clean Air
Tree Team
Neighborhood Emergency Team
Outreach / communication
Delitter Arbor Lodge - April Event
Join Delitter Arbor Lodge, SOLVE, and community members of the Arbor Lodge neighborhood for our monthly litter pick-up event! This event is open to volunteers of all ages - everyone is welcome, and no experience is necessary. The family-friendly event is a great way to keep the neighborhood looking clean but also a fun way to connect with your neighbors in the community! As of April of 2021, our volunteers have successfully removed over 2,650lbs of litter from our community – thank you!
Our April event will be focusing on the areas between N Lombard Street to N Rosa Parks Way & N Denver Avenue to N Montana Avenue.
When: Sunday, April 17th, 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Advanced Registration Requested: Pre-registration is encouraged - please sign up here ahead of time so you can sign our electronic waiver to help avoid crowding during check-in.
Meeting Location: Meet at the southeast corner of the Fred Meyer parking lot (behind the garden center) near N Buffalo Street & N Montana Avenue. Map Link Here
What's Provided: Heavy-duty garbage bags, litter grabbers, safety vests, and rubber palm work gloves are provided for all participants. Snacks & refreshments will also be provided.
What to Bring: Please come prepared with closed-toed shoes, garden gloves, and remember to dress for the weather.
Parking: Parking is available in the Fred Meyer parking lot and along nearby streets.
Bathrooms: There will be no public restrooms available during this event.
Accessibility: The check-in location will be in an area that is wheelchair accessible. The majority of the cleanup area is on city sidewalks that are wheelchair accessible.
Youth Volunteers: Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Youth volunteers ages 13-17 can also create their own SOLVE account online. A youth volunteer can attend without their guardian if they print out and bring a signed youth waiver form. Find the link to the youth waiver form here. Youth Waiver Form or here SOLVE | Volunteer Group Guide (solveoregon.org)
Contact: Contact Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association at board@arborlodgeneighborhood.com with any questions about this event.
Arbor Lodge Shelter Updates
I bet you've noticed some changes at the Arbor Lodge Shelter. The privacy sheeting has gone up along the fencing, and the gate near the old Rite Aid front door is the way to access the Shelter with any donations now. Just ring the doorbell and someone will come to assist you. Privacy is a big thing for those who have been on the streets, the privacy sheeting helps them feel protected and not "on display" for curious folks walking or driving by. Sadly, the opening of the Arbor Lodge Shelter has increased both foot traffic of houseless folks in/around the AL Shelter, and a few campers too. Why camp near the AL Shelter? The waitlist is now 300+ to get into the Shelter. If you don't have a cell phone to answer, some feel being closer increases her/his/their chances of getting into the shelter program. ***** Trash pick up near the Shelter. April 6th, 12-2pm: We are inviting anyone to join us in a short trash pick up to cover the areas of Lombard, Campbell, Denver, and other streets within a 3-5 block area around the Shelter. We will pair you up (if you are willing) with a volunteer from the AL Shelter residents and/or staff. We will provide garbage bags, trash picker uppers, and safety vests, maybe gloves. You need to come with closed toed shoes, gloves, your own water bottle, and a smile. Just show up on Denver near the back gate to the AL Shelter at 12pm on April 6th to volunteer. Thank you!
Questions? Please email: board@arborlodgeneighborhood.com
ALNA By-Laws Update
The Arbor Lodge Neighborhood is proposing to update our bylaws. Please review the proposed changes at this link. We plan to vote on the updates at our April meeting.
We welcome your comments and questions, addressed to board@arborlodgeneighborhood.com