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Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting | Thursday October 20, 7pm-8:30pm

Please join us over Zoom for our monthly meeting this Thursday, October 20, 2022, from 7-8:30pm | (informal time from 6:45-7pm) Click here to join: Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592

One tap mobile +12532158782,,83647757592# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,83647757592# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592 Find your local number:

October 20, 2022, ALNA Public Meeting Agenda:

  • 6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)

----Official Meeting-----

  • 7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)

  • 7:03pm Ground rules (2 minutes)

  • 7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (15 minutes)

  • 7:20pm Approve 2022-2023 Budget Review and Approval (15 minutes)

  • 7:35pm Neighborhood Waste Event - Ginger (10 minutes)

  • 7:45pm Elections (15 minutes)

  • 8:00pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (25 minutes)

    • NPNS

    • Treasurer

    • Parks

    • Transportation - vacant position

    • Land Use

    • Clean Air - vacant position

    • Tree Team

    • Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position

    • Outreach / communication

  • 8:30pm End of meeting


ALNA | October Elections

October is election month and we are hopeful to have new board members join us. If you would like to run for an open position, please plan to join us for our next meeting on October 20th.

What does the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association do? In 2022 they brought our neighborhood these activities:

  • A Jazz music event in the park, set for July, moved to September due to high heat

  • The Waste Collection/Clean Up in October

  • A Tree Walk in the park

  • Several work parties at Arbor Lodge Park to keep it pesticide/herbicide free

  • Multiple "De-Litter Arbor Lodge" trash pick up events

  • Specific trash pick ups with help from residents and staff at the Arbor Lodge Shelter - just around the Shelter

What would you like to do?  What could you bring to the neighborhood?  All ideas are welcome.

The following positions are part of our board: 

Chair: The Chair principal executive officer of the ALNA and, shall in general, supervise all the ALNA’s business and affairs, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Specifically, the Chair shall: 

  1. Prepare the agendas and chair all meetings of the Board and Membership

  2. Sign appropriate correspondence and contracts for Membership or Board approved business of the ALNA

  3. Authorize payments Sign checks as determined by Board policy

Vice-Chair: In the event of the Chair’s inability to act on behalf of the ALNA, the Vice-Chair shall assume all powers and responsibilities of the Chair as described above. The Vice-Chair may cover other activities upon request of the Chair. 

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall perform or cause to be performed: 

  1. Make deposits and disbursements according to procedure determined by Board policy 

  2. Keep accurate and complete financial records

  3. Provide an accurate accounting of the fiscal activity upon demand

  4. Be the primary signatory on all payments

  5. Be in compliance with budget and finance policies as may be adopted by the Board. 

  6. Be in compliance with all Internal Revenue Service, Department of Justice, and Secretary of State filing requirements 

Secretary: The Secretary shall perform or cause to be performed: 

  1. Record and maintain the minutes, including all votes and a summary of minority opinions, and all other written records of all Board and Membership meetings

  2. Send approved copies of minutes to ALNA’s district coalition office, North Portland Neighborhood Services 

  3. Post minutes to the ALNA website for public access

  4. Track attendance of Board members for purposes of encouraging full participation

At Large Board Member Positions: We will also be filling At-Large Board Members: The Board of Directors shall have a maximum of eight (8) At-Large Board Members. The Board Members shall participate in the leadership of the ALNA beyond regular attendance by: 

  1. Chairing Committees

  2. Reaching out to neighbors to foster membership participation and growth

  3. Leading and participating in Association events

  4. Representing the Board’s interests on City and regional committees

We also have committee’s available for board and community members to join. If you have an interest in any of the following, please join us! 

  • Land Use

  • Clean Air

  • Tree Team

  • Neighborhood Emergency Team

  • Outreach / communication

  • Parks

Important information for you to know: 

Terms: Terms for all Board Members last for one year. There are no term limitations for any positions within the Board of Directors. Terms begin at the completion of the October Annual Meeting and last through the end of the next October Annual Meeting. 

Attendance: Board Members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Board and Membership. Four (4) absences from Board and/or Membership meetings within a board year constitutes a resignation of that Board Member or Officer. Any resignation shall be reported in the minutes. 

Compensation: Serving on the Board of Directors is a voluntary endeavor. No financial or otherwise discernible compensation may be provided as consideration for Board service. 

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to the current ALNA board at


Public Meeting, October 20, 2022. Find the meeting agenda here.

Zoom Meeting Information:

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592 Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 836 4775 7592 Find your local number:


North Portland In Motion Online Open House & Survey

After a year of listening and learning with community members, Portland Bureau of Transportation is sharing project ideas to improve walking, biking and transit use in North Portland.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) wants to learn which project ideas are most important to you. Participate in the online combined open house and survey now through September 30, 2022.

Click here to view the online open house and survey to share your input


New to North Portland in Motion? 

North Portland in Motion is guided by community input that began in the summer of 2021. Learn about what North Portlanders shared about their transportation needs and priorities during the first year of engagement.


Trash Pickup around Arbor Lodge Shelter | Wednesday, September 21 at 6:30pm

Please join us for a short trash pick up within 3 blocks of the Arbor Lodge Shelter.  Housed neighbors will be paired with Shelter staff and residents (if you choose) to wander and pick up trash for one hour.  Snacks and short conversation after in the shelter parking lot.

  • When: Wednesday, September 21st at 6:30 pm

  • Where: meet at the Shelter parking lot, just south of Lombard on Denver.

 Thank you for helping keep our neighborhood clean!


Neighborhood Waste Collection Event | Saturday, October 1, 10am-2pm

Overlook, Arbor Lodge and Kenton Neighborhood Associations invite you to either drive, bike, or walk-thru to drop off your extra household waste at our combined collection event on Saturday, October 1, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at SE Corner of Arbor Lodge Park.

Enter at N. Saratoga Avenue in front of Chief Joseph Elementary. Enter Saratoga from Denver or Newcastle Streets. Traffic on N. Delaware will be one way only – south.


Cost: $10 per “vehicle/bike/person” per load. Money raised goes toward the costs of the collection event and will be divided for other neighborhood activities of the Overlook, Arbor Lodge, and Kenton Neighborhood Associations communities.

Prepare Materials Properly: Please prepare your waste items by separating materials. Use the lists below to know what to bring and what NOT to bring.

What TO bring:

  • Household junk

  • Metal

  • Electronics (anything with a cord or battery) but none with fluids, fuels, or bio-hazards 

  • Microwave ovens

  • Block Styrofoam – no film or peanuts 

  • Tires, sponsored by Les Schwab Tires on Lombard

  • Household Batteries, light bulbs, paint, aerosols

  • Clear #1 plastic clam shells – Ridwell on site

  • Clear plastic such as bread bags, zip lock bags, no colors  – Ridwell on site

What NOT to bring:

  • Painted items

  • Any Construction/remodeling waste materials

  • Yard debris, kitchen waste, dirt, or stumps

  • Commercial or hazardous waste, concrete, contractor loads, any form of asbestos

  • Car batteries

  • Demolition debris:  i.e., tiles, plaster, shingles, ceilings, insulation, electrical wire insulation, fireproofing materials 

  • Starch or styrofoam peanuts, PE, PP foam

  • Clothing

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