Public Meeting Notice: Land Use Notice for Development at 6316-6346 N Maryland | Thursday, April 27, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
Public Meeting
Please join in person at the Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon) or via Zoom Thursday, April 27, 2023 @ 6:00 pm (see Zoom meeting info below).
This call will be hosted by Joe West of West Architects, Inc., who will be presenting development plans for 6316-6346 N Maryland Ave:
5 story apartment building
70 units
Some on-site parking
Team Introductions / Overview of project (2023-006886-000-00-EA)
Page turn of drawings, including floor plans and section views
Response to Land Use Questionnaire
Open Questions
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 206 711 9525
Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, April 20, 7pm-8:30pm
Please join us for our monthly meeting Thursday, April 20, 2023, from 7-8:30pm | (informal time from 6:45-7pm) The meeting will be offered both in person at Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N Brandon Ave Portland, OR 97217 and over Zoom.
Click here to join via zoom Meeting ID: 838 3458 7971 Passcode: 509566 One tap mobile +16694449171,,83834587971# US +16699006833,,83834587971# US (San Jose) Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfRi6h9Vo
6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)
----Official Meeting-----
7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)
7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)
Ground Rules:
Stay engaged
Speak your truth
Be with your discomfort
Expect and accept non closure
Keep mics on mute
I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation
Please only one person speaking at once for closed captioning and accessibility
Share any extra questions in chat
Does everyone agree?
7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes) - Daniel Hovanas
7:15pm Park Needs
Need ALNA park lead - our ability to remain a pesticide free park is dependent on our involvement
Interest with Adidas to plan event on Thursday, June 15th - can we make this work
7:20pm ALNA Survey Results - Kevin Micalizzi
7:50 pm Brainstorming - How can we welcome new residents at the new supportive housing building: Hattie Redmond Apartments in North Portland.
8:00pm Community Garden - April 20th
8:05 pm Red Barn Issues
8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (25 minutes)
Parks - vacant position
Transportation - vacant position
General Announcements
Community Allocations Funds were approved for $647.90
TJ McHugh and Comm. Ryan are working to set up a meeting for NA’s and nonprofits in North Portland to talk about how things are going. Looking for a date in June that would work to meet.
Land Use
Clean Air - vacant position
Tree Team
Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position
Outreach / communication
Change in lead for communications - Thanks to Caitlin for her time supporting the board with communications, and thank you to Kevin for stepping into this role
8:30pm End of meeting
Land Use Notices:
3/16/23 - Design Commission Hearing Agenda. Large Project on 6316-6346 N Maryland Ave
MetroPaint Earth Day paint drive and giveaway | April 22
Drop off leftover latex paint and get up to 10 gallons of limited-edition paint for free (while supplies last)
MetroPaint will be hosting an Earth Day paint drive and giveaway on April 22, 2023 from 8am to 4pm at their Swan Island paint outlet (4835 N Basin Ave).
Drop off leftover latex paint and get up to 10 gallons of limited-edition paint for FREE while supplies last, plus 20% off the standard MetroPaint collection.
Check out the recently expanded MetroPain Outlet on Swan Island.
Enjoy giveaways and promotions from the ReBuilding Center, Lovett Deconstruction and Salvage Shop, AdoptOneBlock, PaintCare and Miller Paint.
Did you know? The MetroPaint Outlet offers a rotating selection of limited-edition paint colors for only $9 a gallon – half the price of the standard collection. MetroPaint is unwanted paint remade new. The high-quality, low-cost product is perfect for indoor and outdoor use.
2023 - MetroPain Earth Day event
Learn more at metropaint.org
Help Build a Community Garden – N Montana & N Liberty, April 20 [Rescheduled]
We have an opportunity to add a new community garden to the neighborhood.
[Rescheduled to April 26, 2023 due to PBOT scheduling changes.]
Arbor Lodge neighbors have developed a plan to create a community garden in an area that has previously been a long term homeless camp.
Your Help is Needed
Come help build raised bed gardening areas and fill them with soil
Bring your building and hauling tools, hammers, saws, wheelbarrows, shovels
Work is set for Thursday, April 26, 2023, at the corner of N. Montana & N. Liberty. Work will start early to mid-afternoon and will run into early evening.
Thanks for helping to make Arbor Lodge more livable, especially for our neighbors on N. Montana.
Delitter Arbor Lodge – April 16
Come meet neighbors and help keep Arbor Lodge clean
Join the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association and SOLVE as we clean up Arbor Lodge.
Open to volunteers of all ages – everyone is welcome, no experience necessary.
Come Connect with Neighbors
Where: Meet in front of Arbor Beer Lodge, 6550 N Interstate Ave.
What to bring: Wear closed-toed shoes and bring garden gloves (if you have them). Remember to dress for the weather.
What’s provided: Heavy-duty garbage bags, litter grabbers, safety vests, and rubber palm work gloves are provided for all participants. Snacks & refreshments will also be provided.
Youth volunteers: Volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by an authorized adult.
Advanced Registration: Advanced registration is not required, but highly suggested. Register now to guarantee your spot.