Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, October 19, 7pm-8:30pm
Join us for our monthly Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting
This month we're holding elections for Board positions. Please join us and help shape the future of the neighborhood.
When: Thursday, October 18, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm
Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon)
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83834587971?pwd=OUZUTFpzNy8rLytwVXd4R0RVZmRjZz09
Topics Include
Board Elections
Arbor Lodge Shelter Update
Park Clean Up Events
Budget Update
Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale & Fall Photo Booth
Open board positions & elections
6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)
----Official Meeting-----
7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)
7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)
Ground Rules:
Stay engaged
Speak your truth
Be with your discomfort
Expect and accept non closure
Keep mics on mute
I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation
Please only one person speaking at once for closed captioning and accessibility
Share any extra questions in chat
Does everyone agree?
7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes) - Daniel Hovanas
7:10pm Open Board Positions & Elections
Open positions for the board are:
Vice Chair
At Large Board Members (space for up to 8 at large board members)
7:30pm Budget Update
7:40pm Discussion and Vision for Next Year
7:50pm Updates and Debrief of recent events
October 20th and 21st - Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale & Fall Photo Booth
Delitter Event: Oct 29: Delitter Arbor Lodge, meet in the Interstate Fred Meyer parking lot near the garden center (10am-12pm)
Waste Collection Event
Park Clean Ups
8:05 pm Vote to sign onto Willamette Boulevard Active Transportation Corridor Letter
8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (20 minutes)
NPNS - Ashley Gale
Treasurer - Brian Rapp
Parks - Samanth Darling
Successful Park clean up events in September and October!
Transportation - vacant position
General Announcements
Community Allocations Funds were approved for $647.90
Land Use - Katie McKenzie
Clean Air - vacant position
Tree Team - Ginger Edwards
Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale & Fall Photo Booth
Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position
Outreach / communication
8:30pm End of meeting
Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, September 21, 7pm-8:30pm
Join us for our monthly Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting
When: Thursday, September 21, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm
Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon)
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83834587971?pwd=OUZUTFpzNy8rLytwVXd4R0RVZmRjZz09
Topics Include
Arbor Lodge Shelter Update
Emergency Preparedness Month
Debrief on Jazz in the Park
Bulk Waste Event
Park Clean Up Event
Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale
Open board positions & elections
6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)
----Official Meeting-----
7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)
7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)
Ground Rules:
Stay engaged
Speak your truth
Be with your discomfort
Expect and accept non closure
Keep mics on mute
I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation
Please only one person speaking at once for closed captioning and accessibility
Share any extra questions in chat
Does everyone agree?
7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes) - Daniel Hovanas
7:15pm Angela Watson - NET Team / September is Emergency Preparedness Month
7:35pm Debrief from Commissioner Dan Ryan Town Hall (10 minutes) - Ashley Gale & Ginger Edwards
A special thank you to Ginger Edward who helped with planning and moderated this event, Thank you to Kevin Micalizzi who helped with with planning and technical aspects of this event!
7:45pm Tree Team Update (5 minutes) - Ginger Edwards
7:50pm Bulk Waste Event - Saturday September 30th- (5 minutes) - Dusty McCord
7:55pm Planning upcoming Elections (5 minutes) - Ashley Gale
8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (20 minutes)
General Announcements
Thank you to Jonathan Flannery who took the lead to plan our 2nd annual Jazz in the Park Event! Thank you also to all of the volunteers who helped with planning, set up, and clean up for the event.
Application for funds from Neighbors Helping Neighbors Dissolution submitted for consideration
Question - Do we want to sign on to letter re CEI Hub
Fundraising - Mike’s drive in has multiple dates available to select from for a fundraiser, as a board lets pick a date that we can promote to help with fundraising for future NA projects.
Treasurer - Need to approve budget
Clean up event on Sept 16th, another event planned for October 15th
Transportation - vacant position
Land Use
Clean Air - vacant position
Tree Team
Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position
Outreach / communication
Change in lead for communications - Thanks to Caitlin for her time supporting the board with communications, and thank you to Kevin for stepping into this role
8:30pm End of meeting
North Portland Chairs Meeting update & Additional Notes:
No chairs meeting in September
Keep Arbor Lodge Park Pesticide Free - September 16
Arbor Lodge Park is one of the few pesticide free parks in Portland. Please join us to weed, mulch, and meet neighbors to help us keep that status.
Order native plants to support the Arbor Lodge Tree Team
Your native plant purchase helps provide free trees
Every year the Arbor Lodge Tree Team provides free fruit trees and blueberry bushes to Arbor Lodge residents in the Brian Duncan Memorial Fruit Tree Giveaway. To help make sure the Tree Team can purchase enough trees for the neighborhood, this year they’ve partnered with Sparrowhawk Natives for a native plant sale.
How it Works
Order on the web site before September 17, 2023
Choose North Portland as your pickup location (to benefit Arbor Lodge)
Your order will be ready for pickup the weekend of October, 20-21, 2023
If you notice any of the species of plants you’re interested in are sold out, just check back in a few days. Sparrowhawk Natives is constantly updating their inventory to match the needs of the neighborhood.
PSA - Protect Your Trees From the Heat
Water Your Trees
Extreme heat is challenging for us all, but especially for our trees. The current drought has lowered the ground water table, causing our trees and shrubs to dry out. Without your help, some trees will not make it through this season. Trees less than 5 years old are most at risk. To help your trees survive this weather:
Water your trees once per week, giving them 15 gallons
Use a triangle approach, moving and filling the bucket three times to cover all the roots
If you don't have a watering bucket, the Tree Team has a limited number of free 5 gallon buckets for Arbor Lodge neighbors. Click here to request a bucket.