Jazz in Arbor Lodge Park - September 9
Free Public Concert
Join us September 9, 2023 4:00 pm at Arbor Lodge Park.
Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, August 17, 7pm-8:30pm
Join us for our monthly Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting
When: Thursday, August 1, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm
Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon)
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83834587971?pwd=OUZUTFpzNy8rLytwVXd4R0RVZmRjZz09
Topics Include
Arbor Lodge Shelter updates
Jazz in Arbor Lodge Park, September 9
Neighborhood clean up
Open board positions
Critical Energy Infrastructure
6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)
----Official Meeting-----
7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)
7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)
Ground Rules:
Stay engaged
Speak your truth
Be with your discomfort
Expect and accept non closure
Keep mics on mute
I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation
Please only one person speaking at once for closed captioning and accessibility
Share any extra questions in chat
Does everyone agree?
7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes) - Daniel Hovanas
7:15pm Jazz in the Park (10 minutes)
Budget & Fundraising
Volunteers from the board/community
Review event items needed
Local non profits to partner with
7:25pm Large Waste Mgt/Recycling Event September 30th - with Overlook and Kenton
7:35pm Planning personal safety training session & security program details (15 minutes)
Community discussion on safety concerns (if time permits)
7:50pm Open Board Positions: Nominations & Elections (5 minutes)
7:55pm Vote on CEI Letter (5 minutes)
8:00pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (20 minutes)
Town Hall with with Commissioner Dan Ryan
Hosted by Civic Life’s North Portland Neighborhood Services
Tuesday, Aug. 22, 6:00PM - 7:30PM
RSVP here for in person or online - https://www.portland.gov/civic/events/2023/8/22/public-meeting-commissioner-ryan
Review and Approve Budget
We have some dates for our fall park events! Will share during the meeting and post to website and social media
Transportation - vacant position
General Announcements
Community Allocations Funds were approved for $647.90
Aug 20: Delitter Arbor Lodge. Keep Arbor Lodge looking good & meet neighbors! Meet at Arbor Beer Lodge (6550 N Interstate), 10am-12pm
Land Use
Clean Air - vacant position
Tree Team
Sparrowhawk Natives Plant Sale October 20th, and 21st, with prep work the afternoon of October 19th
Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position
Outreach / communication
Change in lead for communications - Thanks to Caitlin for her time supporting the board with communications, and thank you to Kevin for stepping into this role
8:30pm End of meeting
Delitter Arbor Lodge - Aug 20, 2023
Meet neighbors & keep Arbor Lodge clean
Join Delitter Arbor Lodge, SOLVE, and community members of the Arbor Lodge neighborhood for our litter pick-up event! This event is open to volunteers of all ages - everyone is welcome, and no experience is necessary. The family-friendly event is a great way to keep the neighborhood looking clean but also a fun way to connect with your neighbors in the community!
Advanced Registration: Is highly suggested but not required. Please sign up (green button below) ahead of time to guarantee your spot. [Register Now]
Meeting Location: Meet in front of Arbor Beer Lodge outdoor patio near the corner of N Interstate Avenue & N Liberty Avenue.
Address: 6550 N Interstate Ave Portland, OR 97217 | Map Link
What to Bring: Please come prepared with closed-toed shoes, garden gloves, and remember to dress for the weather.
What's Provided: Heavy-duty garbage bags, litter grabbers, safety vests, and rubber work gloves are provided for all participants. Snacks & refreshments will also be provided.
Restrooms: Arbor Lodge Beer will have restrooms available for volunteers to use during the event.
Parking: Parking is available along nearby streets.
Transit: Max & Trimet stations are available right next to this event site.
Accessibility: This area is accessible for folks with mobility concerns.
Translation Services: There will not be a Spanish speaker present at this event.
Youth Volunteers: Volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by an authorized adult.
Thank you to our local Fred Meyer for volunteering the event space and disposing of our litter collected at this event!
Delitter Arbor Lodge - July 23, 2023
Meet neighbors & keep Arbor Lodge clean
Join Delitter Arbor Lodge, SOLVE, and community members of the Arbor Lodge neighborhood for our litter pick-up event! This event is open to volunteers of all ages - everyone is welcome, and no experience is necessary. The family-friendly event is a great way to keep the neighborhood looking clean but also a fun way to connect with your neighbors in the community! As of April 2021, our volunteers have successfully removed over 3,856 lbs of litter from our community – thank you!
Our July event will be focusing on the areas between N Lombard Street to N Rosa Parks Way & N Denver Avenue to N Montana Avenue.
Advanced Registration: Is highly suggested but not required. Please sign up (green button below) ahead of time to guarantee your spot. [Register Now]
Meeting Location: Meet at the southeast corner of the Fred Meyer parking lot (behind the garden center) near N Buffalo Street & N Montana Avenue.
Address: 7404 North Interstate Ave Portland, OR 97217 | Map Link
What to Bring: Please come prepared with closed-toed shoes, garden gloves, and remember to dress for the weather.
What's Provided: We will provide trash grabbers, trash bags, work gloves, and high-vis vests.
Restrooms: Restrooms are available inside of the Fred Meyer grocery store.
Parking: Parking is available in the Fred Meyer parking lot and along nearby streets.
Transit: The Max and TriMet drop off right in front of the Fred Meyer
Accessibility: This area is accessible for folks with mobility concerns.
Translation Services: There will not be a Spanish speaker present at this event.
Youth Volunteers: Volunteers 17 and under must be accompanied by an authorized adult.
Thank you to our local Fred Meyer for volunteering the event space and disposing of our litter collected at this event!
July 2023 - Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Newsletter
Check out everything that's going on in the neighborhood
The July 2023 Arbor Lodge Neighborhood newsletter is out now.