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Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, January 18, 7pm-8:30pm

Join us for our January Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting

Topics Include

  • Arbor Lodge Shelter Updates

  • Solarize with Your Neighbors

  • 2024 Planning

  • Event Funding

Full agenda:


Development Meeting Notice 11/21/2023 6pm - 6968 N Montana

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from 6-7pm, DBM Construction will be hosting an online meeting about development at 6968 N Montana. See the Site Development Plan for more details on the planned work.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Or call in (audio only)


Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, November 16, 7pm-8:30pm

Join us for our monthly Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting

Topics Include

  • Meet the new board & vision for 2024

  • Arbor Lodge Shelter Mural

  • Committee Updates

  • New Items

Full agenda at:


Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday, October 19, 7pm-8:30pm

Join us for our monthly Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association (ALNA) meeting

This month we're holding elections for Board positions. Please join us and help shape the future of the neighborhood.

Topics Include

  • Board Elections

  • Arbor Lodge Shelter Update

  • Park Clean Up Events

  • Budget Update

  • Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale & Fall Photo Booth

  • Open board positions & elections


6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)

----Official Meeting-----

  • 7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)

  • 7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)

Ground Rules:

  • Stay engaged

  • Speak your truth

  •  Be with your discomfort

  • Expect and accept non closure

  • Keep mics on mute

  • I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation

  • Please only one person speaking at once for closed captioning and accessibility 

  • Share any extra questions in chat

  • Does everyone agree?

7:05pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes) - Daniel Hovanas 

7:10pm Open Board Positions & Elections

  • Open positions for the board are: 

    • Chair 

    • Vice Chair

    • Treasurer 

    • Secretary 

    • At Large Board Members (space for up to 8 at large board members)

7:30pm Budget Update

7:40pm Discussion and Vision for Next Year 

7:50pm Updates and Debrief of recent events

  • Upcoming: 

    • October 20th and 21st - Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale & Fall Photo Booth

    • Delitter Event: Oct 29: Delitter Arbor Lodge, meet in the Interstate Fred Meyer parking lot near the garden center (10am-12pm)

  • Debrief:

    • Waste Collection Event 

    • Park Clean Ups 

8:05 pm Vote to sign onto Willamette Boulevard Active Transportation Corridor Letter 

8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (20 minutes)

  • NPNS - Ashley Gale 

  • Treasurer - Brian Rapp

  • Parks -  Samanth Darling

    • Successful Park clean up events in September and October! 

  • Transportation - vacant position

  • General Announcements 

    • Community Allocations Funds were approved for $647.90

  • Land Use - Katie McKenzie 

  • Clean Air - vacant position 

  • Tree Team - Ginger Edwards

    • Sparrowhawk Native Plant Sale & Fall Photo Booth

  • Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position

  • Outreach / communication 

8:30pm End of meeting

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