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Arts & Craftsman Supply
20211031 151421
20211031 144112


5th Annual Arbor Lodge Fruit Tree Giveaway is Tomorrow (3/4/2023)

If you ordered a fruit tree or blueberry bush from the Arbor Lodge Fruit Tree Giveaway, pickup is tomorrow (March 4) from 10:00 am - noon at Arbor Lodge Park (east side, near Dekum St.) If you weren't able to place an order, you can get on the waitlist starting at 10:00 am – any unclaimed trees will be given away at noon.

Come join us at Arbor Lodge Park. There'll be cookies and coffee/cocoa. Plus we have veggie seeds to share for free, and a children's area to pot up some wildflowers or hummingbird seeds to take home. We'll be there rain, snow or sunshine.


Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association Public Meeting: Thursday February 16, 7pm-8:30pm

Please join us for our monthly meeting this Thursday, February 16, 2023, from 7-8:30pm | (informal time from 6:45-7pm) The meeting will be offered both in person at the Kenton Firehouse and over Zoom. Kenton Firehouse 8105 N Brandon Ave Portland, OR 97217 Click here to join via zoom Meeting ID: 838 3458 7971 Passcode: 509566 One tap mobile +16694449171,,83834587971# US +16699006833,,83834587971# US (San Jose) Find your local number:

February 16, 2022, ALNA Public Meeting Agenda:

  • 6:45pm Zoom meeting opens – INFORMAL (15 minutes)

----Official Meeting-----

  • 7:00pm Welcome, introductions (3 minutes)

  • 7:03pm Ground rules (1 minute)

    • Ground Rules:

      • Stay engaged

      • Speak your truth

      • Be with your discomfort

      • Expect and accept non closure

      • Keep mics on mute

      • I may have to cut people off in the interest of time, keeping with the schedule, and allowing fullest participation

      • Share any extra questions in chat

      • Does everyone agree?

  • 7:05 pm Acknowledgement of loss of community member Arthur Earl Jones

  • 7:10pm Arbor Lodge Shelter Update (10 minutes)

  • 7:20 pm Sara Ryan from Commissioner Susheela Jayapal’s Office - Working together to support the community.

  • 7:50 pm Update on Insurance and North Portland Chairs Meeting - Ginger Edwards

  • 8:00 pm Red Barn Issues

  • 8:10pm Committee / Board / Last Minute Updates (25 minutes)

    • NPNS

    • Treasurer

    • Parks

    • Transportation - vacant position

    • Land Use

    • We have new land use Chair - thank you to Katie MacKenzie for stepping into this role

    • Clean Air - vacant position

    • Tree Team - Ginger Edwards

    • Neighborhood Emergency Team - vacant position

    • Outreach / communication

  • 8:30pm End of meeting

Upcoming Events:


Arbor Lodge Fruit Tree Giveaway – Pacific Madrone's now available

Arbor Lodge Fruit Tree Giveaway – 2023

New Trees! Yes, all the fruit trees are reserved, blueberry bushes too, but we have a new tree to offer you. If you've ever wanted to add the graceful Pacific Madrone to your yard, this might be your chance for free. These trees need full sun and very good drainage, so a slope is best. Go to and scroll until you find the sign up for Madrone trees.

The distribution is in person on Saturday, March 4th, 10-12 noon at Arbor Lodge Park on the east side near Dekum Street.


Public voting on the North Portland Library Redesign

As part of Multnomah County Library’s building and expansion program, North Portland Library is being renovated and expanded.

Public voting on the North Portland Library interior concept is live and runs until Monday, February 13. The voting will be available both in-person at North Portland and Albina as well as online on the website

For in-person voting, there will be boards set up at Albina and North Portland libraries with three color options to choose from. People will be asked to drop a colored piece of paper corresponding with their favorite design option into a box. Once voting closes, the votes will be tallied and the results will be shared with staff and the community.

Translations for all library service languages are provided via the links at the top of the webpage and on the physical boards in Albina and North Portland.


Fruit Tree Giveaway

Would you like a FREE fruit tree or blueberry bush?  How about a tree to bring birds into your yard, or a large yard tree?  Arbor Lodge Tree Team is offering free fruit trees, blueberry bushes, and trees to attract birds, all you have to do is reserve the plant of your choice, then come pick it up on March 4th at Arbor Lodge Park.  And, in partnership with the City of Portland Urban Forestry we are also offering large yard trees.

Check out the website, pick your tree or bush, and come see us at the Park on March 4th.  You'll help our air quality, eventually get fruit, and enjoy shade and beauty. Tree Giveaway: Arbor Lodge Park (corner of N Dekum St & N Delaware Ave) 11am – 1pm

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