OGS Community Clean Up Day | Saturday, February 26th
Please save the date for February 26th-Our OGS Community Clean Up Day
Here is the sign up to volunteer-we would like people to sign up in advance so we have an idea of support and what tools/equipment can be supplied:
When:February 26th from 9am to 1pm
Plan:This is a bring your own gloves and tools event.
Rakes and a cordless weed whacker or two will be particularly helpful.
Update: January 25th 2022
Arbor Lodge Shelter update: January 25, 2022
Sara Newcom, Arbor Lodge Shelter Manager, updated us at the Jan 18th ALNA meeting.
The Shelter remains at capacity, 70 beds overall. 58 are inside the building, and 12 in the small pods in the parking lot. Two (2) persons moved on to more permanent housing this week, opening up beds. The wait list is now 300 long. But, that number is fungible. People may have moved into housing and not removed themselves from the list. Anyone without an address or phone must check in weekly at the Shelter to remain on the waitlist.
Thank you to all who brought books. So many books were donated, they now could use a 2nd bookshelf.
What do they need now?
*. underwear for men and women, socks and still a few warm coats, hats
* snacks like nuts, power bars, etc.
*. peanut butter and jelly, regular butter
*.a 2nd bookshelf
They now serve two (2) hot meals a day and use the snacks to supplement, or if someone is out and misses a meal.
You can go to the Shelter anytime between 8am and 8pm to donate. Just drive in and park, walk to the old Rite Aid front door (by the corner of the building facing Lombard) and someone will be just inside to accept your donation and thank you. Please wear a mask.
Plans to remodel are still in progress, they hope to start the work this summer. They plan to move residents to other shelters when that happens.
Thank you again Arbor Lodge for caring for our houseless neighbors.
Update: January 25th 2022
Annual Brian Duncan Memorial Fruit Tree Giveaway
March 5th, 11-1, Arbor Lodge Park (SE corner)
This is our 4th year (time off for COVID) offering FREE Fruit Trees, Blueberry bushes, and this year, 2 Trees for Birds. All are free. We do this to honor Brian Duncan, to remember his legacy of building community; and we hope through giving away and planting trees in Arbor Lodge, we continue to connect us and further build our community.
To reserve your tree, go to: arborlodgetrees.org
click on the Fruit Tree Giveaway at the top, and fill out the form.
Trees and bushes will be available on Saturday, March 5th between 11-1. Any plants not claimed by those who reserved them by 1pm will be given away on a 1st come 1st to get basis. The check in table will maintain a list of those wishing to claim a leftover plant starting at 1:15.
Let's keep the blooms and fruit growing in Arbor Lodge. Together we can learn to grow better, and get to know each other too.
North Portland Doers Gathering | Monday 1/24 - 7:00-8:30 pm
You are invited
North Portland Doers Gathering
1/24/2022 7:00-8:30 pm
Hope to see you on Zoom.
The Doers Gathering is celebrating their one year anniversary!
This month we will hear a presentation from Brandi Tuck from Portland Homeless Family Solutions.
A brief description of the talk:Trauma Informed Practice is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. Trauma Informed Care also emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both clients and staff, and helps trauma survivors rebuild a sense of control and empowerment. In this workshop, we’ll learn about trauma, see how it shows up in people’s bodies and behavior, and review strategies for helping people heal, build dignity, restore power, and promote autonomy.
If you have not completed the following brief survey, please do so! We are gathering information for an interactive resource guide.
Who are the Doers? Our focus will be highlighting organizations and individuals engaged in houselessness, food security, housing and behavioral health. Learn about the work being done in the North Portland community to fill gaps, provide resources, and humanity to our neighbors.
Come learn. Come share. Come celebrate positive steps in the right direction.Come and see how you might be able to help. Come and see how your community can be served.
Mary Jaron Kelley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/87110130975
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Give feedback: New public trash cans in North Portland
Via the Public Trash Can Program:
In Spring 2022, the City will be adding new public trash cans throughout North Portland.
These 100 new cans will increase the total number of City-provided and serviced trash cans in North Portland to 215.
Live or work in North Portland? We want to hear from you!
We are actively seeking feedback from people who live or work in North Portland on where the new cans should (or shouldn’t) be located. Please fill out this short survey or send comments to Quintin Bauer by February 1, 2022.
If you would like to receive email updates on when and where the cans will be installed, contact Quintin Bauer.
Give feedback on where to add new cans
Area where new trash cans will be added
The new cans will be added in the area from the Willamette River on the West, city limits on the North, Burnside Street on the South, and Williams Avenue on the East, as well as in the Lloyd District from the Willamette River on the West, Broadway on the North, Burnside on the South, and NE 15th Avenue on the East.
Cans can be placed on public sidewalks, including near businesses, schools, and intersections. (The cans cannot be placed in parking lots or other private property.)
About the trash cans
The 65-gallon trash cans are 4.5-feet tall and take up a 3x3-foot space on the ground. In some cases, such as narrow sidewalks, a smaller 35-gallon can may be used.
The cans have a side attachment for deposit beverage bottles, which can be easily collected by community members. The art on the outside of the cans will be designed by local artists, chosen in partnership with local arts groups.
The trash cans will be emptied twice a week by a women or minority-owned trash hauler (currently being selected).
Please contact us for translation or interpretation, or for accommodations for people with disabilities. More information | Más información | Thêm thông tin | 欲了解更多信 | Дополнительная информация | Mai multe informații | Подробиці | Macluumaad dheeri ah | अधिकसूचना | Tichikin Poraus (TTY: 503-823-6868, Relay: 711)
ContactQuintin BauerPublic Trash Collection Program ManagerQuintin.Bauer@portlandoregon.gov971-275-3224