Save the Date: Spring Cleanup and Litter Pickup May 20
Dump your junk at our spring cleanup event! And, if you don't have junk to dump, consider volunteering to help out at the cleanup or a litter pickup the same day.
You'll be spiffing up the neighborhood and helping the Neighborhood Association, Harper's Playground and Chief Joseph PTO raise funds for the coming year. What better way to show up and support your neighbors and neighborhood?
Email the wonderful Peggy Shannon at peggyshannon at earthlink dot net if you want to volunteer. Dropping off that old couch, cat castle, broken toy, gently used clothing, or rolling up your sleeves - we'll welcome you with open arms!
Seeking: Fantastic Flier-ers
Delivering flyers door-to-door is the best way to let people know how to get involved in their neighborhood. We do a big push each spring to get the word out about our cleanup fundraiser and summer events.
Our neighborhood is big enough that we need extra volunteers to help - can you?
We'll deliver the flyers to your door, and you supply about 1-2 hours of your time and calories.
What: Walking fliers door to door to inform neighbors of our summer events May 20th Clean Up
When: Mid-April (any time before May 6th)
How: Chose your own time to walk, and leave flyers on people's doorsteps
Where: We specifically need someone willing to deliver flyers between N. Lombard and N. Bryant and between Wabash and Atlantic.
Benefits: Exercise, getting to know the neighborhood, maybe meeting a new neighbor, and helping us advertise our annual cleanup that raises funds for our summer BBQ! Dog walkers welcome!
How do I volunteer? E-mail Sharon Parker at sharonparker@prodigy.net
Update: March 4th 2017
1st work party this year at Arbor Lodge Park/Harper's PlaygroundSaturday, March 11th, 9am to 12, noonmeet at the west baseball diamond off Dekum - tools and sign in as volunteersWe will:weed planting beds in the playground and sweep sand back into the sandboxweed around trees, then spread bark mulchflame weed the baseball infields - you can be trained if you are over 18 and are wearing closed toed shoesWe will have:watersnackssmiles!After our work we have money to buy lunch for up to 15 folks. We will likely go to Blvd Tacos at Denver and Rosa Parks Way. Help the Park and Playground, get to know your neighbors over lunch.Join us! Thank you.
Update: March 1st 2017
Happy Hour!Friday, March 3rd, 5:30 - ? Bandini's Restaurant, 3100 block Lombard - north side, near Curtis.Come meet your neighbors, children and families welcome, share a soda or beer, or food too. Come ask Board members your questions in this informal setting.Hope to see you there. Sponsored by the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association.
Update: February 18th 2017
Parks and Playgrounds, oh my!
It's time . . . . our 1st work party of the year is set for March 11th, 9-12.We work to maintain our pesticide/herbicide free status at Arbor Lodge Park and Harper's Playground.You can help! Volunteer what time you have between 9-12 on March 12th. We will weed around trees, spread bark mulch, weed in the Playground, sweep sand back into the sandbox, etc. We might flameweed the baseball infields (only adults for this part of the work party).We'll have snacks and water.We also have $$ to buy lunch for the 1st 15 volunteers. So come, work a little, and have lunch with your neighbors afterwards - we'll go to a local restaurant. It is all about the Park/Playground and neighbors getting to know each other to support our Park/Playground together.Love your Park!future work parties this year: May 13th, July 8th, October 14th, all 9-12Thanks for volunteering.