This Saturday: Help Keep Arbor Lodge Park Pesticide Free
Calling all ladybug lovers, pollinator pals, and people who just don't like the idea of chemicals in the place where you play:
August 8th between 9-12 noon will be our 3rd "Dig in the Dirt" maintenance part at Arbor Lodge Park and Harper's Playground. Please come help us keep the Park & Playground spray free of all chemicals by weeding around trees, in all planting beds, spreading bark mulch, and get to meet your neighbors in the process.
We meet by the west baseball diamond next to Dekum (closest to Greeley) at 9 am and provide you with the tools and treats you'll need. Hope to see you there!
Seeking 3-5 Volunteers for Easy Job - Flyering
Seeking 3-5 volunteers with 1-2 hours on their hands between Aug 5-14 to flyer in the neighborhood. Help us cover a few holes in our distribution area and explore a (possibly) new corner of the neighborhood:
-Chattauqua east to Oatman and Lombard south to Bryant-Willamette east to Burrage and Bryant south to Rosa Parks- Atlantic east to Wilbur and Rosa Parks south to Ainsworth
We've divided the sections so that they're small enough for one person, and you just drop the flyers off on the front porch. You'd be helping us make sure that everyone (not just people following us online) hear about our August 16th Movie in the Park – “Mary Poppins.”
We'll provided a map of your section, enough flyers, a little exercise and many thanks!
If interested and have the time and energy, please contact Sharon Parker at sharonparker@prodigy.net by Monday or Tuesday of this week if possible!
Thanks a lot!!
Today's the day: Neighborhood BBQ
We'll be setting up in the park later this afternoon for our neighborhood BBQ. Hope you and your family can stop by!
This Sunday, July 19 - Livability Team Returns!
We're in the beginning stages of forming a "Livability Team" and YOU just might be the person to pitch in and help. Supplies, training and cheer-leading provided!
What's involved?* Reporting and removing graffiti with safe sprays and scrubbing tools.* Taking walks in selected areas (you select the area) to pick up trash with gloves and trash picker-uppers.* Noticing and reporting safety issues to the City - again, training provided if requested.Sometimes, the groups do their work and then go out to coffee or lunch, others just meet to "do the work." In either case you can help shape the group, meet more neighbors, learn your neighborhood, and make it a safe and clean place to live.
Interested? Meet us at The Arbor Lodge coffeehouse on Sunday, July 19 at 8:30am for a planning session! For more information contact Ali at alisonalucas@gmail.com.
Update: July 11th 2015
Like Trees?
Come join an Arborist who is also an Arbor Lodge resident, Gina Dake, this Saturday at Arbor Lodge Park for a tour of selected trees, tree identification, a value and benefits walk and talk, light refreshments and snacks too. This is a family friendly event.
See the large banners on selected trees to demonstrate their value to us as residents of this area.
Come and just enjoy the Park and Playground; structured time on Saturday, July 18th from 9-11.
Brought to you by Urban Forestry and your local Arbor Lodge Tree Team. Interested in the Tree Team? We will have a sign up sheet there for you to share your contact info.